Sunday, October 9, 2011


Dear Diary,

Can I share a little downer? I don't know if you like to listen to problematic people because honestly, I don't. Not because I don't have the ability to listen to you, but I feel I am never the right person to open up to because I am not good at comforting people. But this time I need someone to talk to. I really do. You don't have to say anything. Just keep it. I only need to wash away these bad emotions.

I feel down. Of course I already mentioned that. I did, right? Well, I feel bad not because of the fact that that person betrayed me, but I gave that person the power to hurt me for the nth time. This is the time that I feel so dumb. Most people praise me for being smart, but this is exactly the reason why I've never felt complete happiness when someone tells me I am smart. I feel I don't deserve it. I never thought I could be this stupid. :( I never thought I could be this stupid when it comes to THAT PERSON. That person hurt me for the nth time. I kept on saying goodbye and wishing that person well. Years would pass and I take that person back again. WHY COULDN'T I JUST WALK AWAY? It's that simple, but why can't I do it?

I am such a coward. A C-O-W-A-R-D!!! I feel such a mess today. I am good at tasking others. I am good at instructing people how to do things, but how ironic is that? I cannot even have myself do what I was supposed to do years ago! And I had numerous chances to do it over and over again and yet I kept on forgiving thinking that person will improve through time. I get tired, too. I am tired. In movies getting tired of a person is enough of a reason to walk away. But I can't.

I just cant.

Because I have so much space in my heart for that person, that even though that person keeps on breaking every room I keep that person for the moment, there are three other chambers where that person can stay while the broken part is nursing back to health again.


Love always,


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